Tuesday 16 November 2010

WAI KRU RAM MAUY (mauy thai dance)

Before a fight starts in mauy thai each fighter must perform the WAI KRU RAM MAUY. It is a dance that is a sign of respect to there opponent and teacher an is traditional in thailand.
The fighter first performs the wai khru, circling the ring three times before kneeling and bowing three times as a sign of respect to God and man. He also bows to Buddha to ask for protection for himself and his opponent and for an honourable fight.
The fighter then performs the ram muay, whose simple movements demonstrate a fighter's control and style. Each fighter performs the ram muay on each side of the ring to demonstrate his prowess to the audience. The ram muay is a personal ritual, ranging from the very complex to the very simple, and often contains clues about who trained the fighter and where the fighter is from.

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