Sunday 10 October 2010


I like these vids because they seem to capture alot of the retro style from the games. Even the melodramatic voices the guys use to create the background music and effects fit in perfectly because its not overdone its goes well with what your seeing. Great innovation!

vid 4

vid 3

vid 2

vid 1

cool research videos i found


I was browsing through youtube and came across these series of videos. I think there brilliantly done and completeley original. I really like the pacman vid is so cool :)



creepy research vid

Friday 8 October 2010


Im trying to figure out how to show the vid on the posting. I really like the style of this video. Its a simple effect but as you can see its done very effective. Alot of time was taken to make this I would say


amazing animation!!

animation fight

This is a video i came across. I think its very creative and very original. The use of the windows desktop being used to a great idea.

cool vid

I like this vid because it has the lyrics of the song done n stop motion throughout the vid. must have taken a long time to create the short video


Hello. This is my first input to this blog, bit late getting started on it but better late than never. Im going to share some of the creative research ive found on the internet for this module. Enjoy!!